When I was running the creative department at R/GA London Dan was one of my go-to creatives for big projects. I promoted him to ACD for his work on Nike and Hyundai and for helping younger teams develop (but could have demoted him for mocking me when Ireland lost). He is self-sufficient, hardworking and always write interesting and funny stuff.

Ciaran McCarthy
Head of Creative EA games
I love working with Dan for several reasons. First, he comes up with great ideas. Second, he's fun to work with. Third, he's dedicated as hell, with no ego that comes with it. A rare trait for freelance.
He delivers strong campaign ideas. He executes brilliantly in digital or traditional spaces. He brings writing and art direction craft. He was on hand to guide other teams. His work has helped grow our clients and bring new briefs into the building.

Carren O'Keefe
ECD Digitas UK
R/GA London was one of the few agencies to credibly offer clients an ‘end-to-end’ creative proposition. And to achieve this we needed creatives that were channel agnostic, not digital or ATL, rather open minds who focused on ideas that could manifest across a customer journey, at any touchpoint, seamlessly collaborating with disciplines beyond traditional advertising to engage an audience in the most meaningful way. Dan and Nick consistently got this and nailed it. A joy to work with in every respect.
James Temple
@Global XR, Accenture Song
"DNS: where to begin? Dan is a shining example of enthusiasm regarding all areas of agency life and advertising in general. He has had arguably the very best in schooling, being an alumnus of Tony Cullingham's Watford course. He soaks up culture like a 12-ply Bounty towel. His insatiable appetite for new stuff is not a solitary past-time however - he shares his findings with the agency and enjoys ruminating their relative merits with colleagues from any and all departments. Dan is a social animal who works very well in a team and enjoys meeting new people. His work is of a consistently high standard. He has a positive attitude and a desire to create great work.
He'll probably be your boss in a few years.

Gav Gordon-Rogers
@Co-founder of World Headquarters